KünstlerInnen zwischen Genie und – nicht Wahnsinn, sondern – Dienstleistung
in: NGBK e.V. (Publ.), Prekäre Perspektiven ...in der neuen Gesellschaft. Reader zur Diskussionsreihe, Berlin, 2006, Seite 124 ff. (Wolfgang Schneider)
The concept and images of the artist. The dialogue art project “The Legend of the Artist”
Thesis for diploma from Wolfgang Schneider. A deeper examination with the results of our dialogue interventions. Supervisor Reinhard Sieder / Institute for Economic and Social History, University of Vienna, 2004
„The Legend of the Artist“. Students’ and Teachers’ images of the artist at the Summer Academy
Articel for the anniversary publication “50 years International Summer Academy of Visual Arts. The fith decade 1993-2002.” The text summarizes our Dialogue Interventions at the Summer Academy, 2004.
„The Legend of the Artist“, “The legend of authorship and the legend of the end of authorship”, “Geniuses in the time of service industries”, “The Legend of the Artist is masculine”
A series of articles which develope our manifest aims, published in the periodical Kulturrisse